Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year

From our family to yours, please stay safe this holiday season. May the year to come grow brighter with every passing day.

Employee Spotlight

Justin McCormick

Welcome Justin McCormick

OFS is extremely pleased to introduce Justin McCormick as the new Metal Division Manager. Justin has an extensive wood and metal restoration background and has been working in the industry for 28 years. 

He has previously worked at a local CT furniture store, for a world-wide furniture retailer and has had his own business where he subcontracted for numerous companies and private work. Justin has also worked as a sales rep for a  large finishing supply manufacturer for the past several years. 

In addition to his recent work history, Justin also once worked as a technician in OFS’s field wood finishing division. We are extremely excited to have him back on our team and running the metal restoration division! 

Justin is married with a 10-year-old daughter and two cats (Huckleberry and Sawyer). He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, taking trips on his Harley Davidson (when possible), and sampling local craft beers.

You can reach Justin anytime at (860) 986-1367 or JMccormick@ofscorp.com.

OFS Corp. Shares Behind the Scenes Project Photos on LinkedIn

Want to see the latest in custom wood finishing, field touch-up work, and metal restoration? Follow this link to the OFS LinkedIn page for weekly updates and before and after pictures.  https://www.linkedin.com/company/ofs-corporation/


In order to provide superior property management to our clients, we depend on select, trusted vendors and service providers. It's our reputation that is on the line. OFS has consistently exceeded our expectations with their technical know-how and outstanding service in wood restoration and brass cleaning and maintenance, often in very demanding and very visible applications. Our high-profile clients are thrilled with the results, and that means we are thrilled to partner with OFS.

Peggy McKenzie, Vice President
Servus Management Corporation