Metal restoration and refinishing can save on replacement costs and keep your building infrastructure in service for tenants and guests alike.
Let’s face it, if an elevator is out-of-service or being replaced, it is a major inconvenience for visitors and tenants of a property.

Additionally, it is a major cost to the property owner. Labor for a certified elevator technician can exceed $250 /hr. Consider that along with the cost of new equipment and the replacement of an elevator carriage could easily surpass $100K.
Time is Money:
OFS technicians are accustomed to working off-hours to accommodate your facility’s needs.
Metal surfaces in a passenger elevator can typically be refinished to “like-new” condition in a single 8-hour shift.
The elevator can be returned to service immediately after our work is complete.

Is wood paneling also part of your décor? No problem. The OFS team has experts in wood touch-up and refinishing. Their work includes repairing scratches, blending color, and graffiti removal.

“Brass and stainless steel are the two most common surfaces in elevators, and our team can restore them to original condition,” said Scott Hare, president and owner of OFS Corp. “Hotels, senior living centers, entertainment venues, malls, and apartment buildings – these are all properties that could stand to save time and money by reconditioning their elevators instead of replacing them.”

Refinished brass and stainless-steel surfaces make elevators look new again.

Modernize your elevators by transforming mirror finishes to a brushed satin finish. Call OFS to learn more.
Below is a list of elevator services we offer:
- Brass / Bronze Restoration
- Stainless Steel Restoration
- Scratch and Graffiti Removal
- Threshold Cleaning & Brightening
- Wood Panel Touch Up & Refinishing
- Oxidized “Oil Rubbed” Bronze Restoration
Refinished brass and stainless-steel surfaces make elevators look new again.
Modernize your elevators by transforming mirror finishes to a brushed satin finish. Call OFS to learn more
Now is a great time to schedule an assessment of your elevators! All quotes are free of charge.

Ethan Murray (Estimator / Assistant Project Manager)
Email: Emurray@ofscorp.com
Cell: (860) 982-1037